It takes 7 days for the nicotine to get out of your system, from then on it is behavioural.
You can try slowly weaning yourself off of the nicotine.
-- start smoking one brand lighter for x amount of days [without increasing amount of cigarettes you smoke], then another brand lighter for x amount of days and so on until you are at the lightest.
-- Then slowly decrease the amount of cigarettes you smoke in a day.
Plan this out well on a chart or calendar and track your progress. You can do this over days, weeks, or even months. Figure out when your last cigarette will be and stick to it and have integrity.
After your last cigarette you have to modify your behaviour. Find solutions for your problems before they happen.
For example:
Where do you smoke? Where else can you be rather than where you smoke?
I always have a cigarette when I get in the car. Replace this behaviour to.....
I always listen to my favourite song when I get in the car.
I always eat an apple when I get in the car.
I always drink a bottle of water when I get in the car.
Replace thinking:
I have been a smoker for the last 14 years
To: I am proud of myself for making important changes in my life to improve the quality of it and those around me.
Good job for trying and remember the more times you try and quit the more the chances of it actually happening.
Mantra: This too shall pass.
Here are some links that I have heard of but haven't tried. Good luck, and all the best.,3182,3172_368202__langId-en,00.html
By x-smoker